One-Only Evidence Exchange

BusinessProcess One-Only Evidence Exchange Ingezetene of instantie van een lidstaat van de EU maakt gebruik van grensoverstijgende informatieproducten en -diensten. (BusinessActor) User (Gebruiker) “Lookup and Request Evidence” is a step in which a request for available evidences is made to a “Data Service” (see section 5.2) using eDelivery messaging. This service is provided by a “Base Registry” component owned by a competent authority that is an “Evidence Provider”. If any evidences may be available from the contacted Data Services, the response will include hyperlinks that link to a separate "Evidence Preview Service" offered by (or on behalf of) the Evidence Provider. (BusinessProcess) Lookup and Request Evidence After returning from the Preview Space, the “Complete Exchange” is a step in which the user continues the procedure. (BusinessProcess) Complete Exchange "Select for Preview" is a step in which the user selects one or more available pieces of evidence for consideration. At this stage, the user will be provided the option to follow the hyperlinks to preview and decide on the use of the evidence, and return to the Online Procedure Portal. In parallel, any confirmed pieces of evidences are returned to the Portal using secure eDelivery messaging. (BusinessProcess) Select for Preview BusinessEvent Exchange Complete BusinessEvent Cross-Border Evidence Required "Express Request" is a step in which the user is asked to express explicitly whether he or she wants to use the Once-Only Technical System. (BusinessProcess) Express Request BusinessFunction Establish Identity “Lookup and Select Evidence Provider” is a step in which a “Data Service Lookup Service” is used to determine the competent authority to which the evidence request is made. This service is provided by a Data Service Directory component (see section 6.3). (BusinessProcess) Lookup and Select Evidence Provider “Lookup and Select Evidence Type” is an optional step in which an “Evidence Type Lookup Service” is used to determine the type of evidence to be retrieved. This service is implemented in an Evidence Broker component (see section 6.2). (BusinessProcess) Lookup and Select Evidence Type AssignmentRelationship CompositionRelationship CompositionRelationship CompositionRelationship TriggeringRelationship TriggeringRelationship CompositionRelationship ServingRelationship CompositionRelationship CompositionRelationship Deze svg is op 09-04-2024 03:40:03 CEST gegenereerd door ArchiMedes™ © 2016-2024 ArchiXL. ArchiMedes 09-04-2024 03:40:03 CEST